Friday, March 21, 2014

The Ultimate List of Dofollow Blogs with CommentLuv Enabled

Author: Gagan Masoun
The Ultimate List of Dofollow Blogs with CommentLuv Enabled
CommentLuv blogs help those who want to become a successful bloggers. WordPress users can easily take advantage from CommentLuv plugin. Search Comment Luv enabled blogs in Google, Yahoo, Bing etc, read blog posts and ask valuable questions or comments and in return (depending on the individual blog admin’s choice) you can get any of the following benefits:
  • Back Link for Your Blog or Website
  • Twitter Profile Link
  • Put The Keywords in the Name Field
  • Increase Visitors to Your Blog
Pro bloggers are using CommentLuv. So, you should find higher page rank CL blogs. With the help of Drop My Link you can find blogs based on criteria like “DoFollow”, “KeywordLuv Blogs”, “CommentLuv Enabled”, .edu or .gov only…etc. Today, In this post I am going to share a massive list of 1,000 Dofollow CommentLuv blogs.

Read Also

List of CommentLuv Blog Lists:

If you know about any other list of CommentLuv blogs list or in above list if any link is not working then please let me know via comments below. Get the latest news and information delivered directly to your inbox by subscribing our newsletter.


  1. Even though I appreciate the inclusion, Gagan, my list has been cut down significantly and doesn't really hold any real value for anyone, as well as Traffic Generation Café is a nofollow and not CommentLuv enabled blog. It might be best (and much appreciated) if it's removed from the list.
