Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Guide On Creating WordPress Niche Sites

Author: Gagan Masoun
WordPress Niche Sites
For a newbie it’s a hectic task to create niche sites as they don’t know about the niche sites anything. Well, it’s not that difficult too there are some procedures to be followed to create a WordPress niche site. There are many things to be considered and it takes a lot of time to learn about the profitable niche sites. There are many things to know which comes with experience but setting up a WordPress niche blog has long procedure. Here, you can find the procedure to create WordPress niche site.

1. Create Hosting Account

Before buying any domain you must have registered hosting account. There are many hosting accounts in the market that offers many things to attract you. But, you should see the capacity of your pocket and your requirement. Some of the well known hosting platforms are BlueHost, HostGator, DreamHost, and WordPress hosting.

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2. Register the Domain Name With Your Hosting account

You can do some keyword research and can choose best suitable domain for your niche site. You can purchase domains from leading domain providers like GoDaddy, Namechaep, and Doster.

3. Modify The Nameservers in DNS Controls

After registering for a hosting account and buy domain you must visit to Domain Registrar and enter Nameservers in DNS settings. This procedure generally takes 2hours to 48 hours.

4. Install WordPress

You have to install cPanel and WordPress for your hosting account. You can choose either “1-click Installer” or “5-minutes installer”.

5. Install a Suitable Theme

There are many WordPress theme available in the market but you must select the best suitable and responsive theme for your niche site. Perfect theme can attract the visitor of your blog which in turn can give you some earnings.

6. Change Permalinks

Base permalinks settings are not easy in WordPress but you should change the permalinks to user friendly or SEO friendly. Permalinks are the best way to grab the eyeballs for the visitors and it helps the spiders to crawl your page faster.

7. Image Settings

By default, WordPress installs images in the upload folder but you can change the settings for the image. Media settings have the option to remove the date settings but if you want to move it to top folder then you should have access to the full path and place in appropriate boxes.

8. Install Plugins

Plugins are the necessary part of your blog. You must install the best and less plugins for your blog. As, more plugins can increase the website loading time. Some of the preferred plugins are Yoast SEO, Custom Sidebars, and Social Plugin.

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9. Posting Good Content

You must post the good content to your blog to help the visitors to gain some knowledge from your blog for what they are looking for. Visitors come to gain the information for what they are searching for.

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10. Upload Assets

You must give SEO friendly image name so that the spiders crawls the page easily. You can upload the files with the image name through ftp file or through WordPress media box.

11. Create Social Networking Page

You must create Facebook page and should share about your post to Twitter, Pinterest, and Linkedln. This step is necessary as it will help the people to know about your blog who are in your circle.

These are the steps to create the WordPress niche site, there are many inside things which can be learnt with your experience. But, these steps can help you to set up a new niche site.


  1. Hi,

    These is a great step by step guide on how to get WordPress up and running. I know that if someone follows your instructions, they will have a site up and running quickly.

    Thanks for sharing this information with us and I hope you have a great day.

    1. Hi Susan,

      Happy to see you again here. Yes, this article totally dedicated to newbies. Have a great day :)

  2. Please sir, those Hostgator or blueHost Provid both domain name and Hosting serving.
