Today, I'm going to share great RSS feed reader add-on for Google chrome.
Feeder.co is providing free service for chrome users that will quickly notify you whenever new posts are added to one of your favorite RSS and Atom feeds. When you click on browser icon (Feeder) then you'll see the article title.
You can customize your feeds by selecting how many posts to show, or changing the article title easily. There are three different themes available: Dark, Mint or Light.
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When you are reading articles on a site or blog that provides RSS or Atom Feeds, you can click the browser icon to subscribe feeds. On the other hand, you can add feed URL's to feeder manually or import with the help of an OPML file.
Oops! You're using Safari browser, but don't worry Feeder is also available as an extension for the Safari. By default, Feeder adds their own affiliate links with the help of Skimlinks. If you don't want this option then turn off Skimlinks from the options window.
More Features Coming Soon
They are working hard to add new features to feeder. I am sharing details of new features below:
- Sound Alerts
- Automatic Syncing Between Different Chrome Browsers
- "Muting" Feeds Temporarily
If you want to give any suggestions then send email to Feeder team at erik.rothoff@gmail.com or drop your comment below.
Author - Gagan Masoun is the owner of Blogs Daddy Blog.Gagan lives in India, has been blogging since 2010 and writing Blogs Daddy Blog since 2011.You can find him in the usual social networks.
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