Few days ago
Instagram has added a video upload/share feature. Now users can not only share their photos, they can now upload and share their videos also. Millions of users are already using this platform. In our previous post, we have shown you how to
Display Instagram Photos in Blogger. Today, In this tutorial we will show you How to Embed Instagram Videos in Blogger. If you are a Wp user then read given article also.
Also Read -
5 Best Instagram Plugins For WordPress Blog
First Method: Embedded Code
Go to the URL of the video on Instagram. For an instance, we will be using this video.
- In your broswer, right click on the Instagram video and select “Inspect element”.
- Find a code similar to this one 'div class-"Video" and look for a URL that has "distilleryvesper" in the title and ends in ".mp4." Copy the whole line of URL and paste it anywhere you want to display the video. For Example, Blogger >> Add a new Post >> HTML Tab. The code would somewhat looks like this:
<video controls="controls" poster="http://distilleryimage2.s3.amazonaws.com/d8d82436d9ea11e2bbd822000a9f15da_7.jpg" width="600" height="640"><source src="http://distilleryvesper2-6.ak.instagram.com/d8d82436d9ea11e2bbd822000a9f15da_101.mp4" type="video/mp4"></source>
Second Method: Simple Embed
This is a second easiest method to embed Instagram videos in your Blogger blog.
For an instance, http://instagram.com/p/ay3XaiAvhC now just add "/embed" at the end of the URL and it will become http://instagram.com/p/ay3XaiAvhC/embed. See the working code below:
<iframe frameborder='0' height='360' src='http://instagram.com/p/ay3XaiAvhC/embed?byline=0&portrait=0' width='550px'/>
We hope this tutorial helped you to embed Instagram videos in Blogger. If you need our help regarding this tutorial. Let us know via comments.
Awesome, this feature is awesome and very useful..