Tuesday, January 22, 2013

6 Tips To Optimize AdSense Ads To Increase Earnings (Part 2)

Author: Gagan Masoun
6 Tips To Optimize AdSense Ads To Increase Earnings (Part 2)Last week I have shared some useful tips to increase your Google Adsense earnings (Part 1). Today, I'm going to share 6 more advanced tips and tricks to optimize your Adsense ads to increase revenues. Thousands blogs are running out there, the main reason is to make money online.

So here, I'll provide you with a checklist of 6 things you can do to optimize AdSense and make the most out of your GA ads. Let's start the article:

Your May Like To Read:

Ensure Your Site Has A +Ve User Experience: 

User experience matters a lot for your blog or website. So, always provide different information and services to your users to differentiate your site. Because a readers’s has a limited time, you'll only have a short time to provide a better experience and instantly guide the user to what they’re looking for. You can read these three useful blog posts to learn GA's top five UX tips.

Make Your First Ad Unit Count:

Check that the best performing Adsense ad unit (highest CTR) is the first in your webpage's HTML code to increase your revenue. Google AdSense loads the highest paying ad on a page first. Complete guide here to make changes.

Fix Crawler Errors: 

Sometimes these crawler errors are random. If you have not edited the robot.txt file on your blogger blog then this error will go away soon by itself. Go to Account settings section of your GA account to see if you have crawler errors and read this blog post for details on the steps to take.
AdSense crawler errors
AdSense crawler errors

Go Mobile:

It is clear that you want to make more and more money from Adsense. But, It’s also clear that every person has a internet enabled mobile phones rather than PC. So, setup mobile version for your website or blog.

Create A Google+ Page

As we shared in our last post Google+ is important to improve your Author Rank. Because you can connect with your users with the help of Google+ page. On your +page, you can share your blog posts, photos, YouTube videos etc. Are you using Google+? Add Blogs Daddy to your circles. You'll get the latest about new Adsense features and tips and tricks for blogging as well as top social media and technology news. 

Use DoubleClick For Publishers (DFP) Small Business: 

If your blog is running good and you're making good money from your online advertising business, you may have started working with other ad networks or contact directly with online advertisers. DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP) Small Business is a free, management system to help to increase publishers for your site when you’re working with Google AdSense alongside other ad partners. In DFP Small Business, you'll get a lot of features, you can control your ads serve.

So, the second part is also finished. Stay tuned for more tips and tricks on Google AdSense. For any questions, drop comments below. Stay Blessed :)

Author - Gagan Masoun is the owner of Blogs Daddy Blog.Gagan lives in India, has been blogging since 2010 and writing Blogs Daddy Blog since 2011.You can find him in the usual social networks.


  1. Nice topic. I like your every post. I learn one more thing from you. Thanks for it.

    Thank you so much for this post..

    1. Glad to know that you liked it... Thank you atiqur rahman bhai .


  2. Again Happy to see your comment here on BD :)

    Thanks a lot @Muhammad Azeem
