Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Add Related Posts Widget To Blogger/WordPress With Thumbnails

Author: Gagan Masoun
Add Related Posts Widget To Blogger/WordPress With ThumbnailsRelated post widget always help us to increases page views & readership while your blog traffic bounce ratio will decrease gradually.If you want your readers stay long time on your blog then you should install related posts widget at the end of the post.Currently, Blogger has no widget related to this topic.

But, I found nrelate more helpful for this purpose.You can easily install nRelate (related posts widget) to your Blogger, WordPress or any other website.In this post I will show you how to add Customizable Related Post Widget to Blogger or WordPress blog using nrelate.

Add Related Posts Widget To Blogger/WordPress With Thumbnails

How To Add Related Post Widget In Blogger

  • Go to and Sign For New Account -> Activate Your Account
  • Click Install Tab -> Blogger
  • Enter Blog URL Which You Want to Add Nrelated Post Widget For Blogger. Than Click “Submit”
nRelate Blogger Installation
  • On the next page select option where you want to show related post. I recommend to select Post only!
nRelate Blogger Installation Steps
  • Click the "Add to Blogger" button below and then click "Add Widget".
  • It may take up to 2 hours before appearing on your site.
  • After clicking the Add to Blogger button you will be presented with a option to Add widget to your blog. Select your blog and click the Add Widget button as shown in the following image.
Add nRelate Widget
  • Its all done, You have successfully installed this widget on your blog.Now, learn how to customize this widget.

How To Customize Nrelate Widget ?

You can customize your site from nrelate menu.See options given below:
  • Go to Manage Setting -> Blogger -> Main Settings
  • Choose maximum number of related posts to display from your site and set thumbnail size
  • In Advertising Settings you can enable ads if you want to make money from your blog.
  • You can support nrelate by displaying their logo.

Customizing Thumbnail Style For This Widget

You can customize this related post widget thumbnails style also. There are 5+ awesome style available for your related post widget. You can select from that drop down option in “Manage Setting -> Blogger -> Styles “

Default nRelate Widget Style

Polaroid nRelate Widget Style

How To Add Related Post Widget In WordPress

It’s really easy installing this related content plugin on a WordPress blog.
  • Go to your Plugins section in your WordPress Admin dashboard and Click Add New.Search for Nrelate plugin and the very first result will be Nrelate Related Content Plugin.
  • Install it and activate it in to your plugins directory.
  • Access the Nrelate plugin settings section from WordPress left menu section towards bottom. Here is a screenshot showing Nrelate plugin settings section.
Nrelate Plugin Settings Section

Manual Download - The easiest way to install the plugin is automatically, but if you want to install manually, you can download it here.You will need to upload the zip file to the /wp-content/plugins/ folder

Download The nRelate WordPress Plugin

I hope you enjoy this article and related post widget for blogger and wordpress by best widget not only easy to customize but also very easy to use.Give your views about this widget.

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